
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019

Philosophical elements on Spirited Away

By Diana Galindo Barajas. One of my favorite movies is Sprited Away. This movie is full of symbols and a certain feeling that makes it an unforgetbale movie. Chihiro was into a travel that changed her by leaving its impressions. The first thing that made her go out of the normal rythm of life was the moment when se arrived into a tunel, the begun of her travel, to a world of imagination, a deep shower of impressions. In her coulored travel she found two companions, one who was more like a lover, Haku and other that was more a friend, the No-face spirit. I think they were in a more spiritual world, so it is posible to them to be close to an angelical existence.   The No-face friend showed a very gentle soul to her. According to a theological point of view it would be closest to a Seraph: “The seraph burns with the fire of charity; the cherub shines with the radiance of intelligence; the throne stands in steadfastness of judgement” [1] . In the other hand, Haku was always