The hero and the saint: a comparison.

The hero and the saint: a comparison.

Diana Galindo Barajas.

The saint and the hero are figures that always has been present in the collective mind. They are not always the winners for a common logic where the main values are the things that easy, comfortable and usable. But divine things are beyond the common things. It lead us to the unknown things, to the mystery, things that are beyond human understanding.
Because in the logic of the world the weak man, the biggest part of the humans will be dominated almost to disappear. The normal man is working for his own destruction and it is part of this nonsense logic.
The question is: what is that mist that makes short our view? at least we need to point the fact that the names that are continuously appearing in the popular culture were taken from ancient mythologies, names that sounds nordic like Thor, Odin, Loki, etc.
Names that are so ancient until the point of make us feel nostalgic about something that is in the past. Jean-Luc Nancy did a great analysis of the myths as part of the basis of nazism and it is important to remark that the myth have its old enemies like Plato: “It is from Plato that the opposition is settled, between two uses of the word (or modes) of the discourse: the mythos and the logos.”1
So it begins of the desire of quit of education the bad things that the old gods of the mythos did in order to educate people with high moral values. There were many types of man for Plato: since the ones who serve to the war and others who would be politicians and the civilians. Man of bronze, silver and gold. So there were man of war, militars who should protect the city and conquer other territories. The possibility of conflict has been in the mind of humans, since so long ago. And it is still present, but in more critical ways. In the artistic representations on movies and literature, and in the real tension of war. This part of the history is the product of the work that the ancient civilizations did, and this civilization is now killing itself. cita Brague. 2*
We are in the end of what the vintage customs built. Without Ethics, without home, the man is wandering alone before other faceless man. Because in the global era is now very difficult to localize where is the real power, since the things that we interact with are virtual. IN the middle of technological changes the important is the personality, the things that a human can do in its relationship with others, we can call it the world of the soul or of the ethics. And it is related with the freedom of man of being: “Indeed, from a person, from a liberty, it can be precisely said, and nothing more can be said, that: they will be what the will be.[...] Love consist, precisely in to let open the space in which the other can say or rather to do, what he or she is, all the more what he or she will be.”3
 The human is amazing, is always developing, working and this work is part of himself, of his personality.  A philosopher who talked about the importance of the person, Miguel de Unamuno ( ) proposed a kind of man who had the characteristics of a saint and or a warrior. The main work where he exalt the personality of a hero was his analysis of the the Don Quixote of Miguel de Cervantes. In that work Unamuno pointed that the existence of the character was more important than the existence of the autor: “I have no doubt that Cervantes is the typical case of a writer enormously inferior to its work.  […] Cervantes died without having penetrated all the scope of his Quixote, and maybe without have understand right.”.
So the personality is one of the main points in the philosophy of Miguel de Unamuno. The importance of lost someone is touched with his sensitive character: when we lose one person we lost the whole universe, he pointed.
So there was Don Quixote, moving along with a big faith and with the friend that may was more crazy than him. They were moving in a lonely place, a desert, in face to God. The figure of the desert in philosophy lead us to think in God, in love, in clear things. The opposite is the german philosophy were the dark forest is one of the main recurrent figures. So there, in a dark forest can live fairs, goblins and other mythological creatures, but is important to remember at least where do we move. If we know where we are we can have more clear where we can go.

He also remarked the importance of care the others. Others not just human, but God, our creator and also the other things, to have some pity even for the stars that are going to disappear someday. Don Quijote moves in a solitary place, always followed for his crazy friend Sancho Panza. But the Quijote had a lot of lonely moments, moments to be with himself and with the implied presence of God. In other of his works Unamuno shows a character who finds face to face with his creator. And the creator tells him the notice that his plan is kill him. So the character was desperate. Like in early bible, when God had more contact with the people, like talking with them, even negotiating to forgive a guilt town. It was about the salvation of a town, and more later it is still a main theme that we should think about because we are in the era of George Orwell 1984. One problem of this world is not to call things by they real name. It is also related with reality. The names of the things are important, we are not anymore in the field of the truth. The politicians of some countries say the violence is getting lower when it is in fact increasing. So, in this messy world there are still some Quijotes, fighting the big windmills. They are needed, Unamuno said that if there is still a battle is because there are still something alive who is agonizing, fighting to keep living.


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